Sunday, November 14, 2010

Christmas & the Mark of the Beast

Greeting Friends,

I am currently working on a new video for you tube called "Christmas and the Mark of the Beast."

What relation does this mark have to do with Christmas? Is it really some computer chip? Or has this mark been in this world for centuries? Stay tuned and find out

Peter Salemi, BICOG

1 comment:

  1. The mark is symbolic for religious laws and observances ( Exodus 13:9,16 and Deuteronomy
    6:8/11:18 )

    In reference to God's observances they memorialize
    Him bringing His people OUT of bondage to error and deception in Egypt

    The Beast is Rome. Papal Rome. So the mark of the beast is Papal Rome's observances and laws
    which memorialize the dreadful error of believers going INTO bondage and error of Rome.

    True Faith is in Jesus pure and simple.

    The Bible says to come out of the churches whose
    traditions and laws and observances are pagan
    in origin.
